ForSyDe::SY Namespace Reference

The namespace for synchronous MoC. More...


class  apply
 Process constructor for a combinational adaptive process with one input and one output. More...
class  comb
 Process constructor for a combinational process with one input and one output. More...
class  comb2
 Process constructor for a combinational process with two inputs and one output. More...
class  comb3
 Process constructor for a combinational process with three inputs and one output. More...
class  comb4
 Process constructor for a combinational process with four inputs and one output. More...
class  combX
 Process constructor for a combinational process with an array of inputs and one output. More...
class  constant
 Process constructor for a constant source process. More...
class  delay
 Process constructor for a delay element. More...
class  delayn
 Process constructor for a n-delay element. More...
class  fanout
 Process constructor for a fan-out process with one input and one output. More...
class  file_sink
 Process constructor for a file_sink process. More...
class  file_source
 Process constructor for a file_source process. More...
class  fill
 Process constructor for a fill process. More...
class  gaussian
 Process constructor for a Gaussian randome wave generator. More...
class  gdbwrap
 Process constructor for a GDB wrapper with one input and one output. More...
class  group
 The group process with one input and one absent-extended output. More...
class  hold
 Process constructor for a hold process. More...
class  mealy
 Process constructor for a Mealy machine. More...
class  moore
 Process constructor for a Moore machine. More...
class  pipewrap
 Process constructor for a pipe wrapper with one input and one output. More...
class  pipewrap2
 Process constructor for a pipe wrapper with one input and one output. More...
class  receiver
 Process constructor for a receiver process with one output. More...
class  scomb
 Process constructor for a strict combinational process with one input and one output. More...
class  scomb2
 Process constructor for a strict combinational process with two inputs and one output. More...
class  scomb3
 Process constructor for a strict combinational process with three inputs and one output. More...
class  scomb4
 Process constructor for a strict combinational process with four inputs and one output. More...
class  scombX
 Process constructor for a strict combinational process with an array of inputs and one output. More...
class  sconstant
 Process constructor for a strict constant source process. More...
class  sdelay
 Process constructor for a strict delay element. More...
class  sdelayn
 Process constructor for a strict n-delay element. More...
class  sdpmap
 A data-parallel process constructor for a strict combinational process with input and output array types. More...
class  sdpreduce
 A data-parallel process constructor for a strict reduce process with an array of inputs and one output. More...
class  sdpscan
 A data-parallel process constructor for a strict scan process with input and output array types. More...
class  sender
 Process constructor for a sender process with one input. More...
class  sgroup
 The strict group process with one input and one output. More...
class  sink
 Process constructor for a sink process. More...
class  smealy
 Process constructor for a strict Mealy machine. More...
class  smoore
 Process constructor for a strict Moore machine. More...
class  source
 Process constructor for a source process. More...
class  ssink
 Process constructor for a strict sink process. More...
class  ssource
 Process constructor for a strict source process. More...
class  sunzip
 The strict unzip process with one input and two outputs. More...
class  sunzipN
 The unzip process with one input and variable number of outputs. More...
class  sunzipX
 The sunzipX process with one input and an array of outputs. More...
class  svsource
 Process constructor for a strict source process with vector input. More...
class  SY2SY
 The SY2SY signal used to inter-connect SY processes. More...
class  SY_in
 The SY_in port is used for input ports of SY processes. More...
class  SY_out
 The SY_out port is used for output ports of SY processes. More...
class  szip
 The strict zip process with two inputs and one output. More...
class  szipN
 The strict zip process with variable number of inputs and one output. More...
class  szipX
 The strict zipX process with an array of inputs and one output. More...
class  unzip
 The unzip process with one input and two outputs. More...
class  unzipN
 The unzip process with one input and variable number of outputs. More...
class  unzipX
 The unzipX process with one input and an array of outputs. More...
class  vsource
 Process constructor for a source process with vector input. More...
class  zip
 The zip process with two inputs and one output. More...
class  zipN
 The zip process with variable number of inputs and one output. More...
class  zipX
 The zipX process with an array of inputs and one output. More...


template<typename T >
using signal = SY2SY< T >
 The SY::signal is an alias for SY::SY2SY.
template<typename T >
using in_port = SY_in< T >
 The SY::in_port is an alias for SY::SY_in.
template<typename T >
using out_port = SY_out< T >
 The SY::out_port is an alias for SY::SY_out.
typedef ForSyDe::process sy_process
 Abstract semantics of a process in the SY MoC.


template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, template< class > class FIf>
apply< T0, T1 > * make_apply (const std::string &pName, OIf< T0 > &outS, I1If< T1 > &inp1S, FIf< typename apply< T0, T1 >::functype > &fS)
 Helper function to construct a comb process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class I0If>
sender< T0 > * make_sender (const std::string &pName, int destination, int tag, I0If< T0 > &inp1S)
 Helper function to construct a sender process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf>
receiver< T0 > * make_receiver (const std::string &pName, int source, int tag, OIf< T0 > &outS)
 Helper function to construct a sender process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If>
comb< T0, T1 > * make_comb (const std::string &pName, const typename comb< T0, T1 >::functype &_func, OIf< T0 > &outS, I1If< T1 > &inp1S)
 Helper function to construct a comb process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If>
comb2< T0, T1, T2 > * make_comb2 (const std::string &pName, const typename comb2< T0, T1, T2 >::functype &_func, OIf< T0 > &outS, I1If< T1 > &inp1S, I2If< T2 > &inp2S)
 Helper function to construct a comb2 process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If, class T3 , template< class > class I3If>
comb3< T0, T1, T2, T3 > * make_comb3 (const std::string &pName, const typename comb3< T0, T1, T2, T3 >::functype &_func, OIf< T0 > &outS, I1If< T1 > &inp1S, I2If< T2 > &inp2S, I3If< T3 > &inp3S)
 Helper function to construct a comb3 process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If, class T3 , template< class > class I3If, class T4 , template< class > class I4If>
comb4< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 > * make_comb4 (const std::string &pName, const typename comb4< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 >::functype &_func, OIf< T0 > &outS, I1If< T1 > &inp1S, I2If< T2 > &inp2S, I3If< T3 > &inp3S, I4If< T4 > &inp4S)
 Helper function to construct a comb4 process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class IIf, std::size_t N>
combX< T0, T1, N > * make_combX (const std::string &pName, const typename combX< T0, T1, N >::functype &_func, OIf< T0 > &outS, std::array< IIf< T1 >, N > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a combX process. More...
template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
delay< T > * make_delay (const std::string &pName, const abst_ext< T > &initval, OIf< T > &outS, IIf< T > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a delay process. More...
template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
delayn< T > * make_delayn (const std::string &pName, const abst_ext< T > &initval, const unsigned int &n, OIf< T > &outS, IIf< T > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a delayn process. More...
template<typename IT , typename ST , typename OT , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
moore< IT, ST, OT > * make_moore (const std::string &pName, const typename moore< IT, ST, OT >::ns_functype &_ns_func, const typename moore< IT, ST, OT >::od_functype &_od_func, const ST &init_st, OIf< OT > &outS, IIf< IT > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a moore process. More...
template<typename IT , typename ST , typename OT , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
mealy< IT, ST, OT > * make_mealy (const std::string &pName, const typename mealy< IT, ST, OT >::ns_functype &_ns_func, const typename mealy< IT, ST, OT >::od_functype &_od_func, const ST &init_st, OIf< OT > &outS, IIf< IT > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a mealy process. More...
template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
fill< T > * make_fill (const std::string &pName, const T &def_val, OIf< T > &outS, IIf< T > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a fill process. More...
template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
hold< T > * make_hold (const std::string &pName, const T &def_val, OIf< T > &outS, IIf< T > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a hold process. More...
template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
group< T > * make_group (const std::string &pName, const unsigned long &samples, OIf< std::vector< abst_ext< T >>> &outS, IIf< T > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a group process. More...
template<class T , template< class > class OIf>
constant< T > * make_constant (const std::string &pName, const abst_ext< T > &initval, const unsigned long long &take, OIf< T > &outS)
 Helper function to construct a constant source process. More...
template<class T , template< class > class OIf>
source< T > * make_source (const std::string &pName, const typename source< T >::functype &_func, const abst_ext< T > &initval, const unsigned long long &take, OIf< T > &outS)
 Helper function to construct a source process. More...
template<class T , template< class > class OIf>
file_source< T > * make_file_source (std::string pName, typename file_source< T >::functype _func, std::string file_name, OIf< T > &outS)
 Helper function to construct a file_source process. More...
template<class T , template< class > class OIf>
vsource< T > * make_vsource (const std::string &pName, const std::vector< abst_ext< T >> &in_vec, OIf< T > &outS)
 Helper function to construct a vector source process. More...
template<class T , template< class > class IIf>
sink< T > * make_sink (const std::string &pName, const typename sink< T >::functype &_func, IIf< T > &inS)
 Helper function to construct a sink process. More...
template<class T , template< class > class IIf>
file_sink< T > * make_file_sink (std::string pName, typename file_sink< T >::functype _func, std::string file_name, IIf< T > &inS)
 Helper function to construct a file_sink process. More...
template<class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If, template< class > class OIf>
zip< T1, T2 > * make_zip (const std::string &pName, OIf< std::tuple< abst_ext< T1 >, abst_ext< T2 >>> &outS, I1If< T1 > &inp1S, I2If< T2 > &inp2S)
 Helper function to construct a zip process. More...
template<class T1 , std::size_t N, template< class > class OIf>
zipX< T1, N > * make_zipX (const std::string &pName, OIf< std::array< abst_ext< T1 >, N >> &outS)
 Helper function to construct a zipX process. More...
template<template< class > class IIf, class T1 , template< class > class O1If, class T2 , template< class > class O2If>
unzip< T1, T2 > * make_unzip (const std::string &pName, IIf< std::tuple< abst_ext< T1 >, abst_ext< T2 >>> &inpS, O1If< T1 > &out1S, O2If< T2 > &out2S)
 Helper function to construct an unzip process. More...
template<template< class > class IIf, class T1 , std::size_t N>
unzipX< T1, N > * make_unzipX (const std::string &pName, IIf< std::array< abst_ext< T1 >, N >> &inpS)
 Helper function to construct an unzipX process. More...
template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
fanout< T > * make_fanout (const std::string &pName, OIf< T > &outS, IIf< T > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a fanout process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If>
scomb< T0, T1 > * make_scomb (const std::string &pName, const typename scomb< T0, T1 >::functype &_func, OIf< T0 > &outS, I1If< T1 > &inp1S)
 Helper function to construct a strict comb process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If>
scomb2< T0, T1, T2 > * make_scomb2 (const std::string &pName, const typename scomb2< T0, T1, T2 >::functype &_func, OIf< T0 > &outS, I1If< T1 > &inp1S, I2If< T2 > &inp2S)
 Helper function to construct a strict comb2 process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If, class T3 , template< class > class I3If>
scomb3< T0, T1, T2, T3 > * make_scomb3 (const std::string &pName, const typename scomb3< T0, T1, T2, T3 >::functype &_func, OIf< T0 > &outS, I1If< T1 > &inp1S, I2If< T2 > &inp2S, I3If< T3 > &inp3S)
 Helper function to construct a strict comb3 process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If, class T3 , template< class > class I3If, class T4 , template< class > class I4If>
scomb4< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 > * make_scomb4 (const std::string &pName, const typename scomb4< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 >::functype &_func, OIf< T0 > &outS, I1If< T1 > &inp1S, I2If< T2 > &inp2S, I3If< T3 > &inp3S, I4If< T4 > &inp4S)
 Helper function to construct a strict comb4 process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class IIf, std::size_t N>
scombX< T0, T1, N > * make_scombX (const std::string &pName, const typename scombX< T0, T1, N >::functype &_func, OIf< T0 > &outS, std::array< IIf< T1 >, N > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a strict combX process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class IIf, std::size_t N>
sdpmap< T0, T1, N > * make_sdpmap (const std::string &pName, const typename sdpmap< T0, T1, N >::functype &_func, OIf< std::array< T0, N >> &outS, IIf< std::array< T1, N >> &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a strict data parallel comb process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, template< class > class IIf, std::size_t N>
sdpreduce< T0, N > * make_sdpreduce (const std::string &pName, const typename sdpreduce< T0, N >::functype &_func, OIf< T0 > &outS, IIf< std::array< T0, N >> &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a strict reduce process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class IIf, std::size_t N>
sdpscan< T0, T1, N > * make_sdpscan (const std::string &pName, const typename sdpscan< T0, T1, N >::functype &_func, const T0 &init_res, OIf< std::array< T0, N >> &outS, IIf< std::array< T1, N >> &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a strict data parallel scan process. More...
template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
sdelay< T > * make_sdelay (const std::string &pName, const T &initval, OIf< T > &outS, IIf< T > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a strict delay process. More...
template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
sdelayn< T > * make_sdelayn (const std::string &pName, const T &initval, const unsigned int &n, OIf< T > &outS, IIf< T > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a strict delayn process. More...
template<typename IT , typename ST , typename OT , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
smoore< IT, ST, OT > * make_smoore (const std::string &pName, const typename smoore< IT, ST, OT >::ns_functype &_ns_func, const typename smoore< IT, ST, OT >::od_functype &_od_func, const ST &init_st, OIf< OT > &outS, IIf< IT > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a moore process. More...
template<typename IT , typename ST , typename OT , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
smealy< IT, ST, OT > * make_smealy (const std::string &pName, const typename smealy< IT, ST, OT >::ns_functype &_ns_func, const typename smealy< IT, ST, OT >::od_functype &_od_func, const ST &init_st, OIf< OT > &outS, IIf< IT > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a strict mealy process. More...
template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
sgroup< T > * make_sgroup (const std::string &pName, const unsigned long &samples, OIf< std::vector< T >> &outS, IIf< T > &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a strict group process. More...
template<class T , template< class > class OIf>
sconstant< T > * make_sconstant (const std::string &pName, const T &initval, const unsigned long long &take, OIf< T > &outS)
 Helper function to construct a strict constant source process. More...
template<class T , template< class > class OIf>
ssource< T > * make_ssource (const std::string &pName, const typename ssource< T >::functype &_func, const T &initval, const unsigned long long &take, OIf< T > &outS)
 Helper function to construct a strict source process. More...
template<class T , template< class > class OIf>
svsource< T > * make_svsource (const std::string &pName, const std::vector< T > &in_vec, OIf< T > &outS)
 Helper function to construct a strict vector source process. More...
template<class T , template< class > class IIf>
ssink< T > * make_ssink (const std::string &pName, const typename ssink< T >::functype &_func, IIf< T > &inS)
 Helper function to construct a strict sink process. More...
template<class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If, template< class > class OIf>
szip< T1, T2 > * make_szip (const std::string &pName, OIf< std::tuple< T1, T2 >> &outS, I1If< T1 > &inp1S, I2If< T2 > &inp2S)
 Helper function to construct a szip process. More...
template<class T1 , std::size_t N, template< class > class OIf>
szipX< T1, N > * make_szipX (const std::string &pName, OIf< std::array< T1, N >> &outS)
 Helper function to construct a szipX process. More...
template<template< class > class IIf, class T1 , template< class > class O1If, class T2 , template< class > class O2If>
sunzip< T1, T2 > * make_sunzip (const std::string &pName, IIf< std::tuple< T1, T2 >> &inpS, O1If< T1 > &out1S, O2If< T2 > &out2S)
 Helper function to construct a sunzip process. More...
template<template< class > class IIf, class T1 , std::size_t N>
unzipX< T1, N > * make_unzipX (const std::string &pName, IIf< std::array< T1, N >> &inpS)
 Helper function to construct a strict unzipX process. More...
template<template< class > class OIf>
gaussianmake_gaussian (const std::string &pName, const double &gaussVar, const double &gaussMean, OIf< double > &outS)
 Helper function to construct a Gaussian randome wave generator. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If>
gdbwrap< T0, T1 > * make_gdbwrap (const std::string &pName, const std::string &exec_name, OIf< T0 > &outS, I1If< T1 > &inp1S)
 Helper function to construct a gdbwrap process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If>
pipewrap< T0, T1 > * make_pipewrap (const std::string &pName, const int &offset, const std::string &path_name, OIf< T0 > &outS, I1If< T1 > &inp1S)
 Helper function to construct a pipewrap process. More...
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If>
pipewrap2< T0, T1, T2 > * make_pipewrap2 (const std::string &pName, const int &offset, const std::string &path_name, OIf< T0 > &outS, I1If< T1 > &inp1S, I2If< T2 > &inp2S)
 Helper function to construct a pipewrap process. More...

Detailed Description

The namespace for synchronous MoC.

This namespace includes constructs used for building models in the synchronous MoC.

Function Documentation

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, template< class > class FIf>
apply<T0,T1>* ForSyDe::SY::make_apply ( const std::string &  pName,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
I1If< T1 > &  inp1S,
FIf< typename apply< T0, T1 >::functype > &  fS 

Helper function to construct a comb process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If>
comb<T0,T1>* ForSyDe::SY::make_comb ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename comb< T0, T1 >::functype &  _func,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
I1If< T1 > &  inp1S 

Helper function to construct a comb process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If>
comb2<T0,T1,T2>* ForSyDe::SY::make_comb2 ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename comb2< T0, T1, T2 >::functype &  _func,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
I1If< T1 > &  inp1S,
I2If< T2 > &  inp2S 

Helper function to construct a comb2 process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If, class T3 , template< class > class I3If>
comb3<T0,T1,T2,T3>* ForSyDe::SY::make_comb3 ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename comb3< T0, T1, T2, T3 >::functype &  _func,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
I1If< T1 > &  inp1S,
I2If< T2 > &  inp2S,
I3If< T3 > &  inp3S 

Helper function to construct a comb3 process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If, class T3 , template< class > class I3If, class T4 , template< class > class I4If>
comb4<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4>* ForSyDe::SY::make_comb4 ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename comb4< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 >::functype &  _func,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
I1If< T1 > &  inp1S,
I2If< T2 > &  inp2S,
I3If< T3 > &  inp3S,
I4If< T4 > &  inp4S 

Helper function to construct a comb4 process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class IIf, std::size_t N>
combX<T0,T1,N>* ForSyDe::SY::make_combX ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename combX< T0, T1, N >::functype &  _func,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
std::array< IIf< T1 >, N > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a combX process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its input and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T , template< class > class OIf>
constant<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_constant ( const std::string &  pName,
const abst_ext< T > &  initval,
const unsigned long long &  take,
OIf< T > &  outS 

Helper function to construct a constant source process.

This function is used to construct a constant (SystemC module) and connect its output signal. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the output FIFOs.

template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
delay<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_delay ( const std::string &  pName,
const abst_ext< T > &  initval,
OIf< T > &  outS,
IIf< T > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a delay process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
delayn<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_delayn ( const std::string &  pName,
const abst_ext< T > &  initval,
const unsigned int &  n,
OIf< T > &  outS,
IIf< T > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a delayn process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
fanout<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_fanout ( const std::string &  pName,
OIf< T > &  outS,
IIf< T > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a fanout process.

This function is used to construct a fanout process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T , template< class > class IIf>
file_sink<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_file_sink ( std::string  pName,
typename file_sink< T >::functype  _func,
std::string  file_name,
IIf< T > &  inS 

Helper function to construct a file_sink process.

This function is used to construct a file_sink (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input FIFOs.

template<class T , template< class > class OIf>
file_source<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_file_source ( std::string  pName,
typename file_source< T >::functype  _func,
std::string  file_name,
OIf< T > &  outS 

Helper function to construct a file_source process.

This function is used to construct a file_source (SystemC module) and connect its output signal. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the output FIFOs.

template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
fill<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_fill ( const std::string &  pName,
const T &  def_val,
OIf< T > &  outS,
IIf< T > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a fill process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<template< class > class OIf>
gaussian* ForSyDe::SY::make_gaussian ( const std::string &  pName,
const double &  gaussVar,
const double &  gaussMean,
OIf< double > &  outS 

Helper function to construct a Gaussian randome wave generator.

This function is used to construct a Gaussian (SystemC module) and connect its output signal. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the output FIFOs.

gaussVarThe variance
gaussMeanThe mean value
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If>
gdbwrap<T0,T1>* ForSyDe::SY::make_gdbwrap ( const std::string &  pName,
const std::string &  exec_name,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
I1If< T1 > &  inp1S 

Helper function to construct a gdbwrap process.

This function is used to construct a GDB wrapper process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
group<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_group ( const std::string &  pName,
const unsigned long &  samples,
OIf< std::vector< abst_ext< T >>> &  outS,
IIf< T > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a group process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
hold<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_hold ( const std::string &  pName,
const T &  def_val,
OIf< T > &  outS,
IIf< T > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a hold process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<typename IT , typename ST , typename OT , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
mealy<IT,ST,OT>* ForSyDe::SY::make_mealy ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename mealy< IT, ST, OT >::ns_functype &  _ns_func,
const typename mealy< IT, ST, OT >::od_functype &  _od_func,
const ST &  init_st,
OIf< OT > &  outS,
IIf< IT > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a mealy process.

This function is used to construct a mealy process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<typename IT , typename ST , typename OT , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
moore<IT,ST,OT>* ForSyDe::SY::make_moore ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename moore< IT, ST, OT >::ns_functype &  _ns_func,
const typename moore< IT, ST, OT >::od_functype &  _od_func,
const ST &  init_st,
OIf< OT > &  outS,
IIf< IT > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a moore process.

This function is used to construct a moore process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If>
pipewrap<T0,T1>* ForSyDe::SY::make_pipewrap ( const std::string &  pName,
const int &  offset,
const std::string &  path_name,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
I1If< T1 > &  inp1S 

Helper function to construct a pipewrap process.

This function is used to construct a pipe wrapper process (SystemC module) and connect its input and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If>
pipewrap2<T0,T1,T2>* ForSyDe::SY::make_pipewrap2 ( const std::string &  pName,
const int &  offset,
const std::string &  path_name,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
I1If< T1 > &  inp1S,
I2If< T2 > &  inp2S 

Helper function to construct a pipewrap process.

This function is used to construct a pipe wrapper process (SystemC module) and connect its input and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf>
receiver<T0>* ForSyDe::SY::make_receiver ( const std::string &  pName,
int  source,
int  tag,
OIf< T0 > &  outS 

Helper function to construct a sender process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

sourceMPI rank of the source process
tagMPI tag of the message
template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If>
scomb<T0,T1>* ForSyDe::SY::make_scomb ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename scomb< T0, T1 >::functype &  _func,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
I1If< T1 > &  inp1S 

Helper function to construct a strict comb process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If>
scomb2<T0,T1,T2>* ForSyDe::SY::make_scomb2 ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename scomb2< T0, T1, T2 >::functype &  _func,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
I1If< T1 > &  inp1S,
I2If< T2 > &  inp2S 

Helper function to construct a strict comb2 process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If, class T3 , template< class > class I3If>
scomb3<T0,T1,T2,T3>* ForSyDe::SY::make_scomb3 ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename scomb3< T0, T1, T2, T3 >::functype &  _func,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
I1If< T1 > &  inp1S,
I2If< T2 > &  inp2S,
I3If< T3 > &  inp3S 

Helper function to construct a strict comb3 process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If, class T3 , template< class > class I3If, class T4 , template< class > class I4If>
scomb4<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4>* ForSyDe::SY::make_scomb4 ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename scomb4< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 >::functype &  _func,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
I1If< T1 > &  inp1S,
I2If< T2 > &  inp2S,
I3If< T3 > &  inp3S,
I4If< T4 > &  inp4S 

Helper function to construct a strict comb4 process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class IIf, std::size_t N>
scombX<T0,T1,N>* ForSyDe::SY::make_scombX ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename scombX< T0, T1, N >::functype &  _func,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
std::array< IIf< T1 >, N > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a strict combX process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its input and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T , template< class > class OIf>
sconstant<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_sconstant ( const std::string &  pName,
const T &  initval,
const unsigned long long &  take,
OIf< T > &  outS 

Helper function to construct a strict constant source process.

This function is used to construct a constant (SystemC module) and connect its output signal. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the output FIFOs.

template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
sdelay<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_sdelay ( const std::string &  pName,
const T &  initval,
OIf< T > &  outS,
IIf< T > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a strict delay process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
sdelayn<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_sdelayn ( const std::string &  pName,
const T &  initval,
const unsigned int &  n,
OIf< T > &  outS,
IIf< T > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a strict delayn process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class IIf, std::size_t N>
sdpmap<T0,T1,N>* ForSyDe::SY::make_sdpmap ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename sdpmap< T0, T1, N >::functype &  _func,
OIf< std::array< T0, N >> &  outS,
IIf< std::array< T1, N >> &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a strict data parallel comb process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, template< class > class IIf, std::size_t N>
sdpreduce<T0,N>* ForSyDe::SY::make_sdpreduce ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename sdpreduce< T0, N >::functype &  _func,
OIf< T0 > &  outS,
IIf< std::array< T0, N >> &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a strict reduce process.

This function is used to construct a sreduce process (SystemC module) and connect connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class OIf, class T1 , template< class > class IIf, std::size_t N>
sdpscan<T0,T1,N>* ForSyDe::SY::make_sdpscan ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename sdpscan< T0, T1, N >::functype &  _func,
const T0 &  init_res,
OIf< std::array< T0, N >> &  outS,
IIf< std::array< T1, N >> &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a strict data parallel scan process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T0 , template< class > class I0If>
sender<T0>* ForSyDe::SY::make_sender ( const std::string &  pName,
int  destination,
int  tag,
I0If< T0 > &  inp1S 

Helper function to construct a sender process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

destinationMPI rank of the destination process
tagMPI tag of the message
template<typename T , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
sgroup<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_sgroup ( const std::string &  pName,
const unsigned long &  samples,
OIf< std::vector< T >> &  outS,
IIf< T > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a strict group process.

This function is used to construct a process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T , template< class > class IIf>
sink<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_sink ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename sink< T >::functype &  _func,
IIf< T > &  inS 

Helper function to construct a sink process.

This function is used to construct a sink (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input FIFOs.

template<typename IT , typename ST , typename OT , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
smealy<IT,ST,OT>* ForSyDe::SY::make_smealy ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename smealy< IT, ST, OT >::ns_functype &  _ns_func,
const typename smealy< IT, ST, OT >::od_functype &  _od_func,
const ST &  init_st,
OIf< OT > &  outS,
IIf< IT > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a strict mealy process.

This function is used to construct a mealy process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<typename IT , typename ST , typename OT , template< class > class IIf, template< class > class OIf>
smoore<IT,ST,OT>* ForSyDe::SY::make_smoore ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename smoore< IT, ST, OT >::ns_functype &  _ns_func,
const typename smoore< IT, ST, OT >::od_functype &  _od_func,
const ST &  init_st,
OIf< OT > &  outS,
IIf< IT > &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a moore process.

This function is used to construct a moore process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input and output FIFOs.

template<class T , template< class > class OIf>
source<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_source ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename source< T >::functype &  _func,
const abst_ext< T > &  initval,
const unsigned long long &  take,
OIf< T > &  outS 

Helper function to construct a source process.

This function is used to construct a source (SystemC module) and connect its output signal. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the output FIFOs.

template<class T , template< class > class IIf>
ssink<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_ssink ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename ssink< T >::functype &  _func,
IIf< T > &  inS 

Helper function to construct a strict sink process.

This function is used to construct a sink (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input FIFOs.

template<class T , template< class > class OIf>
ssource<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_ssource ( const std::string &  pName,
const typename ssource< T >::functype &  _func,
const T &  initval,
const unsigned long long &  take,
OIf< T > &  outS 

Helper function to construct a strict source process.

This function is used to construct a source (SystemC module) and connect its output signal. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the output FIFOs.

template<template< class > class IIf, class T1 , template< class > class O1If, class T2 , template< class > class O2If>
sunzip<T1,T2>* ForSyDe::SY::make_sunzip ( const std::string &  pName,
IIf< std::tuple< T1, T2 >> &  inpS,
O1If< T1 > &  out1S,
O2If< T2 > &  out2S 

Helper function to construct a sunzip process.

This function is used to construct a strict unzip process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input FIFOs.

template<class T , template< class > class OIf>
svsource<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_svsource ( const std::string &  pName,
const std::vector< T > &  in_vec,
OIf< T > &  outS 

Helper function to construct a strict vector source process.

This function is used to construct a vector source (SystemC module) and connect its output signal. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the output FIFOs.

template<class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If, template< class > class OIf>
szip<T1,T2>* ForSyDe::SY::make_szip ( const std::string &  pName,
OIf< std::tuple< T1, T2 >> &  outS,
I1If< T1 > &  inp1S,
I2If< T2 > &  inp2S 

Helper function to construct a szip process.

This function is used to construct a strict zip process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input FIFOs.

template<class T1 , std::size_t N, template< class > class OIf>
szipX<T1,N>* ForSyDe::SY::make_szipX ( const std::string &  pName,
OIf< std::array< T1, N >> &  outS 

Helper function to construct a szipX process.

This function is used to construct a szip process (SystemC module) and connect its output signal. The user binds the inputs manually. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input FIFOs.

template<template< class > class IIf, class T1 , template< class > class O1If, class T2 , template< class > class O2If>
unzip<T1,T2>* ForSyDe::SY::make_unzip ( const std::string &  pName,
IIf< std::tuple< abst_ext< T1 >, abst_ext< T2 >>> &  inpS,
O1If< T1 > &  out1S,
O2If< T2 > &  out2S 

Helper function to construct an unzip process.

This function is used to construct an unzip process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input FIFOs.

template<template< class > class IIf, class T1 , std::size_t N>
unzipX<T1,N>* ForSyDe::SY::make_unzipX ( const std::string &  pName,
IIf< std::array< T1, N >> &  inpS 

Helper function to construct a strict unzipX process.

This function is used to construct a strict unzipX process (SystemC module) and connect its input signal. The user binds the outputs manually. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input FIFOs.

template<template< class > class IIf, class T1 , std::size_t N>
unzipX<T1,N>* ForSyDe::SY::make_unzipX ( const std::string &  pName,
IIf< std::array< abst_ext< T1 >, N >> &  inpS 

Helper function to construct an unzipX process.

This function is used to construct an unzipX process (SystemC module) and connect its input signal. The user binds the outputs manually. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input FIFOs.

template<class T , template< class > class OIf>
vsource<T>* ForSyDe::SY::make_vsource ( const std::string &  pName,
const std::vector< abst_ext< T >> &  in_vec,
OIf< T > &  outS 

Helper function to construct a vector source process.

This function is used to construct a vector source (SystemC module) and connect its output signal. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the output FIFOs.

template<class T1 , template< class > class I1If, class T2 , template< class > class I2If, template< class > class OIf>
zip<T1,T2>* ForSyDe::SY::make_zip ( const std::string &  pName,
OIf< std::tuple< abst_ext< T1 >, abst_ext< T2 >>> &  outS,
I1If< T1 > &  inp1S,
I2If< T2 > &  inp2S 

Helper function to construct a zip process.

This function is used to construct a zip process (SystemC module) and connect its output and output signals. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input FIFOs.

template<class T1 , std::size_t N, template< class > class OIf>
zipX<T1,N>* ForSyDe::SY::make_zipX ( const std::string &  pName,
OIf< std::array< abst_ext< T1 >, N >> &  outS 

Helper function to construct a zipX process.

This function is used to construct a zip process (SystemC module) and connect its output signals. The user binds the inputs manually. It provides a more functional style definition of a ForSyDe process. It also removes bilerplate code by using type-inference feature of C++ and automatic binding to the input FIFOs.