Since 2019 we have been developing two new entries in the tools ecosystem, based on lessons learned from previous years and tools. These two entries are IDeSyDe and ForSyDe IO.

IDeSyDe is the current design space exploration tool in ForSyDe design flow. It is based on the concept of design space identification in order to systematically combine and extend different design space exploration scenarios without sacrificing exploration performance. The accompanying publication, accepted, presented and published in DATE 2021, can be found here and it is also listed in publications.

ForSyDe IO is the candidate for a common exchange model in the tools ecosystem; as currently not all tools can connect its results to the inputs of another. The accompanying publication was accepted and presented in FDL 2022, in Linz, Austria. Once it is also published in the proceedings of the conference, the publication will be added to the ForSyDe IO project website.

You can follow the active development and specific documemtation for each of these two projects in their websites.