A new version of DeSyDe has been released recently, compatible with and supporting our latest DSD’18 publication: K. Rosvall et al., ‘Exploring Power and Throughput for Dataflow Applications on Predictable NoC Multiprocessors’.
This version is accompanied by:
- a reproducible set of experiments, as presented in the DSD’18 paper;
- a set of scripts for generating experiments based on the template above, but for different TDN-NoC platform dimensions;
- a hands-on user tutorial which guides newcomers through using the tool and interpreting the output.
This release will most likely be stale for a while or will only be followed by minor fixes. At present we are discussing a complete re-design of the tool itself (for scalability and maintainability purpose), which will certainly take significant development effort, so no new major updates are planned for the near future.