
Before installing, you need to take care of the following dependencies:

General dependencies

These are required to acquire, install and use the base libraries:

  • The Haskell Platform. The libraries usually support the latest ghc versions, but you can check the tested versions in the forsyde-shallow.cabal file in case the installation does not succeed.

  • Git if you want to clone the whole repository, and not just download the sources.

Library dependencies are taken care of by the Cabal or Stack package managers shipped with Haskell Platform.

Plotting the signals

The CT MoC library provides helper functions for plotting signals using the gnuplot engine. You need to have it installed for your OS.

For an OS using the X Window System e.g. Ubuntu Linux, you might need to install the gnuplot-x11 library, to be able to launch plots from an interpreter session. For example, in Ubuntu, you need to type in:

sudo apt instal gnuplot-x11


Before trying to install, check the list of dependencies above, to see that you meet the requirements based on how you are planning to use the library.

The forsyde-shallow package is available through HackageDB and the latest stable release can be installed via your favorite Haskell package manager.

Using Stack

The easiest way to getting started is by using the Stack sandboxing tool, which takes care of fetching and installing an appropriate version of the Haskell compiler, the dependent packages, and sets everything up in a sandboxed environment.

To be sure you have the right Stack version, install it as recommended on their web page, i.e. via wget or curl, e.g.

wget -qO- | sh

Install ForSyDe-Shallow from HackageDB

After Stack is properly installed, type in:

stack update
stack upgrade
stack install forsyde-shallow
stack ghci --package=forsyde-shallow  # starts an interpreter session and loads the package 'forsyde-shallow'

OBS: it is really important that you load the globally installed forsyde-shallow package with the --package=forsyde-shallow option after ghci, otherwise the interpreter will not be able to load the ForSyDe libraries. The interpreter greeter message gives you tips on how to modify the global configuration file so that it loads an arbitrary package by default (optional). After running the interpreter you still need to load whatever module you need explicitly, e.g.

> :m +ForSyDe.Shallow

To load an arbitrary Haskell source file into the interpreter, run

stack ghci --package=forsyde-shallow path/to/a/SourceFile.hs

Install latest ForSyDe-Shallow from GitHub in a local sandbox

To install the latest updates and nightly builds you need clone this repository. To install and use the contents of this repository in a local sandbox, you can use these commands under the cloned folder, e.g. cd path/to/forsyde-shallow:

stack install
stack test                        # runs the test suites
stack haddock                     # generates the API documentation
stack ghci --no-load              # starts an interpreter session, option given to avoid pre-loading all modules in the package

The last line loads the interpreter, then you can start loading whatever modules you need in the interpreter, e.g.

> :m +ForSyDe.Shallow

Alternatively, you can start the interpreter for a chosen source file (which loads whatever module is imported in that source), while the prompt is still somewhere under the cloned folder:

stack ghci relative/path/to/a/SourceFile.hs

Using Cabal

Alternatively, you can use the Cabal package manager, but then you need to take care of acquiring an appropriate Haskell tool suite which includes the GHC compiler and the cabal-install package.

Depending on which version of Cabal you have, the installation of ForSyDe-Shallow differs slightly:

  • prior to Cabal-

      cabal update
      cabal install forsyde-shallow
  • newer than Cabal-

      cabal update
      cabal install forsyde-shallow --lib

Also, you might need to install some Non-Haskell library so Cabal succeeds in compiling and linking forsyde-shallow. The steps for installing these libraries depend on your OS and can be usually found easily in the web. The current know libraries required are

  • Numa (libnuma in Debian-based distros)

To start an interpreter session, just call:


To install the latest updates and nightly builds you need clone this repository. To install and use the contents of this repository globally, some useful commands are:

cabal install -j4 --enable-tests
cabal configure --enable tests
cabal test                        # runs the test suites
cabal haddock                     # generates the API documentation
ghci                              # starts an interpreter session

To install and use the contents of this repository in a sandbox environment (recommended), the equivalent commands are:

cabal sandbox init
cabal install -j4 --enable-tests
cabal configure --enable tests
cabal test                        # runs the test suites
cabal haddock                     # generates the API documentation
cabal repl                        # starts an interpreter session with the sandbox loaded

Testing the libraries

The test suite and its dependencies can be installed and run by explicitly adding the flag --enable-tests to the previous installation commands, namely:

cabal install --enable-tests --dependencies-only # (optional)
cabal install --enable-tests                     # installs library + test suite
cabal configure --enable-tests                   # configures the package to run the test suite
cabal test                                       # runs the test suite 

Generating the API documentation locally

The API documentation for latest release is publicly available here but if for some reason you need to generate it locally on your machine you need perform the following steps:

  1. install the hscolour Haskell package

    cabal install hscolour
  2. cd into the root of the project (the folder containing the forsyde-shallow.cabal file) and type in:

    cabal haddock --hyperlink-source