Example ForSyDe process network
% Title : Example ForSyDe process network
% Author : George Ungureanu
% Category : tikz
\trans [transition, type=evens, rotate=-45] (a) {};
\trans [transition, type=filter, rotate=45, nf=1, f1={$>0$} ] (b) <0,2> {};
\standard [process, nf=1, type=comb, moc=de, right of=b, xshift=3cm](c) {};
\interface[right of=a, xshift=2cm] (d1) {sy}{sdf};
\standard [process, f={ns;od;1}, type=mealy, moc=sdf, right of=d1](d) {p2};
\interface[right of=d] (e) {sdf}{sy};
\basic [primitiven, right of=c, f=i, xshift=1.5cm] (f) {$\Delta$};
\standard [process, ni=2, anchor=w2, xshift=2cm,
f=$+$, moc=sy, type=comb] (g) <$(e)!.5!(f)$> {sum};
\cluster [embed, moc=sy, type=wrap, inner sep=15pt] (h) <(c)> {};
\cluster [composite, inner ysep=13pt] (i) <(d1)(d)> {composite1};
\cluster [composite, ni=2, inner xsep=5pt] (j) <(g)(i)(h)> {composite2};
\cluster [farmstyle, type=farm,
f={$\langle f \rangle$;$\langle 1 .. 1024 \rangle$}] (k) <(j)> {pattern1};
\trans [zipx, right of=g,xshift=2cm] (l) {};
% additional info nodes
\node[connector] (con) at ($ (a)!.5!(b)-(1,0) $){};
\node (in) at ($ (con)-(1.5,0) $){$V(S)_{in}$};
\node (out) at ($ (l)+(1.5,0) $) {$S(V)_{in}$};
% singal/vector edges
\path[v] (con) edge (in) edge (a.w1) edge (b.w1);
\path (b.e1) edge[intersect=k-west, as=b-c1] (c) edge[intersect=h-west, as=b-c2] (c)
(b-c1) edge[v] (b.e1) edge[s=sy,srcport] (b-c2)
(b-c2) edge[s=de,->] (c)
(f) edge[trans={<-,sn=sy}{h-east}{sn=de}] (c)
edge[sn=sy,-|-=.8,->] (g.w1)
(a.e1) edge[trans={v,dstport}{k-west}{s,->}] (d1)
(d) edge[<-, srcport, s] (d1)
edge[s, srcport, ->] (e)
(e) edge[s,-|-,->] (g.w2)
(g.e1) edge[intersect=k-east, as=g-l] (l)
edge[s] (g-l)
(g-l) edge[v,srcport,token=scalar,->] (l)
(l) edge[s,token=vector,->] (out);
% function edges, suggest the passing of functions as arguments
\path[f] (k-f.s1) edge[|-|=.3,->] (c.north) (k-f.s2) edge[|-|=.2,->] (f-f.n1);