LibForSyDe Catalog

In this page you can find the generated documentation of the LibForSyDe trait hierarchy, so that it is easier to make sense of on-disk files, e.g. fiodl files, but also to manipulate them manually if the need arises. The last part is quite important, as any LibForSyDe-based tool consuming on-disk files might reject a model that is not consistent with the trait hierarchy presented here.

Don’t be overwhelmed by the size of the LibForSyDe trait heirarchy. It would be suprising if it wasn’t extensive, as it aims to cover specification aspects of applications, platforms, synthesis etc. Try to use this catalog as a catalog. Search for what you need in it and slowly increase your understanding via a by-demand basis.



No description exists.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::MoCEntity

Required ports:

  • tokenDataType: An outgoing port of forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataTypeLike vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::BehaviourCompositionEdge edges. No description exists.
  • producer: An incoming port of forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sdf::SDFActor vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sdf::SDFNetworkEdge edges. No description exists.
  • consumer: An outgoing port of forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sdf::SDFActor vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sdf::SDFNetworkEdge edges. No description exists.

Required properties:

  • numInitialTokens (Integer<32 bits, signed>): No description exists.


This trait captures a 32 bit IEEE 754 floating point number.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::data::RealLike

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • numberOfBits (Integer<32 bits, signed>): No description exists.


A BoundedBuffer is a refinement of the potentially infinite BufferLike queue. It adds a maximum number of elements for this buffer which must be respects at all times. It also enables nice implementations in software and hardware, e.g. using circular buffers.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::implementation::functional::BufferLike

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • maxElements (Integer<32 bits, signed>): No description exists.


This trait captures an integral datum type. That is, this is an integer with any number of encoding bits.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataTypeLike

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • isSigned (Boolean): Denotes if the integer encoding also captures negative integers. Unless specifically noted, the signed integer representation is two’s complement.

  • numberOfBits (Integer<32 bits, signed>): The number of bits in this encoding. For example, if the vertex being veiwed is a 32-bit integer variable, this number is 32. There is a high chance that this number os always powers of 2, as most comercial off-the-shelf machines are built around these, but the range is open so that a designer is able to use any number they desire to seek a balance between performance vs precision.


No description exists.


Required ports:

Required properties:

  • outputPorts (Array<String>): No description exists.
  • inputPorts (Array<String>): No description exists.


This trait enforces the vertex to have at least one inlined C-base implementation.

There can be more than one, discriminted by a label for each inlined source code. For example, a vertex can have a chunck of code with the label “riscv” for RISC-V based processors and one with label “cude” to be implemented directly in a CUDA based flow, whenever possible.


Required ports:

Required properties:

  • outputArgumentPorts (Array<String>): No description exists.
  • returnPort (Anything): No description exists.
  • inlinedCodes (Map<String,String>): No description exists.
  • inputArgumentPorts (Array<String>): No description exists.


No description exists.


Required ports:

Required properties:


This trait describe an utilization constraint for a GenericProcessingModule, where the sum of all things using it, including any runtime, must not exceed a certain percentage.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::hardware::GenericProcessingModule

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • maxUtilization (Real<64 bits>): No description exists.


This parallel skeleton describes the creation of overlapping areas from a Vectorizable. As an example, consider the vector of integers [1, 4, 2]; An interleaving skeleton with stride of 1 and radius of 2 would generator the vector of vector [[1, 4], [4, 2]]. An interleaving skeleton with stride of 2 and radius of 2 would generator the vector of vector [[1, 4], [2]].

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::parallel::ParallelSkeleton

Required ports:

  • inputArray: An incoming port of forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::parallel::Vectorizable vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::parallel::ParallelComputationEdge edges. No description exists.
  • outputArrayOfArray: An outgoing port of forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::parallel::Vectorizable vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::parallel::ParallelComputationEdge edges. No description exists.

Required properties:

  • stride (Integer<32 bits, signed>): No description exists.
  • radius (Integer<32 bits, signed>): No description exists.


This enables the “annotation” of analyzed SDF actors with throughput results from mapping and scheduling techniques.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sdf::SDFActor

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • setThroughputInSecsDenominator (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.
  • setThroughputInSecsNumerator (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.


This trait is intended to describe communication reservation for communication modules that allow slot reservations. A key example would be a TDM bus, where any data incoming from the same processing element can share the same TDM slot.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::hardware::GenericCommunicationModule

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • slotReservations (Array<Array<String>>): No description exists.


No description exists.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Task

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • portDataReadSize (Map<String,Integer<64 bits, signed>>): No description exists.
  • portDataWrittenSize (Map<String,Integer<64 bits, signed>>): No description exists.


This trait represents any hardware element in the platform. It does not distinguish between analog or digital. The main purpose of this trait is to have a common “parent” trait for all traits relevant to the hardware parts of a platform.


Required ports:

Required properties:


This trait refines “RegisterLike” by ensuring that the register-like component now holds chunkable data. In software this could mean that we have a random-access array where its entries can be read and overwritten at will; in hardware this could mean a literal array of registers that can be read and written at will. Be sure to also read the “RegisterLike” documentation to understand what this is refining.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::implementation::functional::RegisterLike

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • elementSizeInBits (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.


An SY signal expresses a link between different SY processes in a SY network. To ensure that the SY model is well-defined, all signals can only have one producer, and multiple producers. This means that the consumers get a copy of whatever data is produced onto this signal at every discrete step.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::MoCEntity

Required ports:

  • dataType: An outgoing port of forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataTypeLike vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::BehaviourCompositionEdge edges. No description exists.
  • producer: An incoming port of forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sy::SYProcess vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sy::SYNetworkEdge edges. No description exists.
  • consumers: An outgoing port of multiple forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sy::SYProcess vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sy::SYNetworkEdge edges. No description exists.

Required properties:


This class adds instrumentation data to any data-like vertex. This trait is made separate from other data-like traits, e.g. vectorizable, so that the instrumentation information can be used in a courser-grain fashion whenever necessary. Say, in academic studies or pre-design studies.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataTypeLike

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • maxSizeInBits (Map<String,Integer<64 bits, signed>>): <p> A map of memory requirements for different implementations of this instrumented data type for different instruction categories. These are memory requirements. When a number of a certain operation is “x” larger, it means semantically that a host storage element must give “x” more space to this data type so that it can be stored. This is the data-type analogous of maxSizeInBits for InstrumentedBehaviour.


For example, there could be a "RISCV" data type, a "niosII" data type and a "FPGA logic area implementation" data type so that the computational requirements can be expressed as an associative array with these three possibilities as follow.

 maxSizeInBits: {
     "RISCV": 1000L,
     "niosII": 500L,
     "FPGA logic area implementation": 200L

In this case, the FPGA implementation tries to capture the logic area consumed by the synthesized behaviour.


A MemoryMapped trait describes the mapping of any kind of a process or buffer/channel to a memory. This is intended to be used as the result of scheduling and mapping techniques, by “annotating” the memory mapped process.


Required ports:

  • mappingHost: An outgoing port of forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::hardware::GenericMemoryModule vertices. No description exists.

Required properties:


A RegisterLike element is one that holds a piece of data until it is overwritten. That is, this represents a register in hardware or a memory location/variable in software. Keep in mind that this trait assumes that all reads and writes to the register-like element are done as a single element. For example, if this represents a NxM matrix, reading and writing to this register-like element entails reading or writing the entire matrix.

For a more array-like behavior, check the “RegisterArrayLike” trait.


Required ports:

Required properties:

  • sizeInBits (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.


No description exists.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::MoCEntity

Required ports:

  • combFunctions: An outgoing port of multiple forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::FunctionLikeEntity vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::BehaviourCompositionEdge edges. No description exists.

Required properties:

  • production (Map<String,Integer<32 bits, signed>>): No description exists.
  • consumption (Map<String,Integer<32 bits, signed>>): No description exists.


This trait is categorical and simply implies that the vertex is likely representative of a data type, whether an array, a record, a composition of both etc.


Required ports:

Required properties:


A Vectorizable represents an array of vector of certain data. Sometimes we might find in the literature (or functional programming languages) a vector of functions or routines. This is not what this trait is about. This trait is concerned only with encapsulating parallelizable data; whatever they might be. The underlying model with system graphs should already be enough to have many parallel processes side-by-side without expressing them as a parametrizable range.

If you DO NEED such parametrization, create a script in your favorite support library that will generate the appropriate number of parallel processes.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataTypeLike

Required ports:

  • producer: An incoming port of forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::parallel::ParallelSkeleton vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::parallel::ParallelComputationEdge edges. No description exists.
  • arrayItemType: An outgoing port of forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataTypeLike vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataLikeCompositionEdge edges. No description exists.
  • consumers: An outgoing port of multiple forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::parallel::ParallelSkeleton vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::parallel::ParallelComputationEdge edges. No description exists.

Required properties:

  • dimensions (Array<Integer<32 bits, signed>>): No description exists.


This trait represents a digital hardware element in the platform. As such, it requires the presence of an operating frequency property.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::hardware::HardwareModule

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • operatingFrequencyInHertz (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.


A TimeDivisionMultiplexingRuntime is capable of giving “slices” of time to the processes running on it. The size of this slices are constant and are assumed to be contained within a certain range. Moreover, all such runtimes also have a maximum “frame” in which it can schedule time slices for its processes.

A frame size of 0 and a maximum time slice of 0 indicate that both are unbounded.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::runtime::AbstractRuntime

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • frameSizeInClockCycles (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.
  • maximumTimeSliceInClockCycles (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.
  • timeSliceProcess (Array<String>): No description exists.
  • timeSlicesSizesInClockCycles (Array<Integer<64 bits, signed>>): No description exists.
  • minimumTimeSliceInClockCycles (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.


A ReduceV skeleton specifies that the output vector can be generated by aggregating the first dimension of the input vector. Therefore, this skeleton is not really parallel, unless the aggregation function is known to be associative.

Like this: let v = [v[1], v[2], v[3], …, v[n]] be the input vector and o be one “scalar”; then a ReduceV with kernels f1, f2, …, fm guarantess that:

f = (fm … f3 . f2 . f1) o = f(v[n], f(v[n-1], …f(v[2], v[1])…))

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::parallel::ParallelSkeleton

Required ports:

  • kernels: An outgoing port of multiple forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::FunctionLikeEntity vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::BehaviourCompositionEdge edges. No description exists.

Required properties:

  • inputArray (String): No description exists.
  • outputScalar (String): No description exists.


A Scheduled trait describes the scheduling of any kind of a process by a scheduler. This is intended to be used as the result of scheduling and mapping techniques, by “annotating” the scheduled process.


Required ports:

  • runtimeHost: An outgoing port of forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::runtime::AbstractRuntime vertices. No description exists.

Required properties:


No description exists.


Required ports:

Required properties:


A BufferLike element is one that is capable of queuing an unbounded amount of data. This then represents a queue of “dynamic” size.


Required ports:

Required properties:

  • elementSizeInBits (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.


A boundary signal between a MoC process network and anything outside this network.

All MoCs can use this source trait since all MoCs can be compared in the light of a discrete-event model, or, the tagged-signal model (see the reference of MoCEntity). The key element of this trait is the timing beahviour of the events it generates. That is, their periodicity or lack of any periodicity thereof. Note that a MoCSource is a data-type-like entity, as it is intended to capture MoC signals that get "replenished" due to their connection with the outside world.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataTypeLike, forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::MoCEntity

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • eventProductionRateNumerator (Integer<64 bits, signed>): The numerator part of the “eventProductionRate” property.

The event inter-arrival rate defines how fast this MoC source gets replenished in the light of tagged-signal model, or the discrete-event model, equivalently. The faster the rate, the faster the data present in this boundary signal is "fresh". This notion can differ along different MoCs. For example, in the Synchronous MoC, this means that a new data is available in the signal (SYSignal) and should be consumed at all costs. In the SDF MoC, this means that a new token is available in the signal and can be consumed anytime as long as the buffer implementing this boundary signal (SDFChannel) does not overflow.

  • eventProductionRateDenominator (Integer<64 bits, signed>): The denominator part of the “eventProductionRate” property. Defaults to 1.

see eventProductionRateNumerator for the full information on this property.


Once this trait is connected to a stimulatable element, this element becomes perpetually read to be executed after “initialLatency” seconds.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Stimulator

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • initialLatencyNumerator (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.
  • initialLatencyDenominator (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.


A GenericProcessingModule represents any digital hardware module capable of doing “compute”. Typical real things fitting to this trait abstraction are CPU Cores, GPUs and ASICs. If the element can be abstracted into a black-box that “runs computation”, this trait captures it.

This trait can also be used to represent compound processing elements, like multi-core CPUs without their memories. But beware: analysis and synthesis algorithms might expect these elements to always be “single-core-like”, so it is always good to be in sync with the assumptions of the tool using this trait.

This black-boxed level of true parallelism is captured through the property maximumComputationParallelism, which is 1 by default.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::hardware::DigitalModule

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • maximumComputationParallelism (Integer<32 bits, signed>): No description exists.


An algorithmic parallel skeleton is a specification that explicitly enables a computation to be done in parallel. That is, if a computation is a certain parallel skeleton, we know that it can be implemented with the parallelization of that skeleton. For example, for the MapV skeleton, we know that all the entries of the output vector can be computed independently from each entry in the input vector, inpendently if the implementation is made in sequential software, parallel software or even hardware.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::FunctionLikeEntity

Required ports:

Required properties:


No description exists.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Stimulator

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • offsetDenominator (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.
  • periodDenominator (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.
  • offsetNumerator (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.
  • periodNumerator (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.


A MapV skeleton specifies that all the entries of the output vector can be computed independently from each other, using each of the input vector entries.

Like this: let v = [v[1], v[2], v[3], …, v[n]] be the input vector and o be an equivalent output vector; then a MapV with kernels f1, f2, …, fm guarantess that:

o[i] = fm(…f3(f2(f1(v[i])))…)


o[i] = (fm … f3 . f2 . f1) (v[i])

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::parallel::ParallelSkeleton

Required ports:

  • kernels: An outgoing port of multiple forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::FunctionLikeEntity vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::BehaviourCompositionEdge edges. No description exists.

Required properties:

  • outputPorts (Array<String>): No description exists.
  • inputPorts (Array<String>): No description exists.


No description exists.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Stimulator, forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Stimulatable

Required ports:

Required properties:


An SY Combinator is an SY process that transforms an input signals into output signals. Or better saying, for every discrete step, the SY Comb uses its defining functions to produce output values from the input values in each step.

In equational form, consider that we have a SYComb F with combinators f1, f2, f3, …, fn The output at synchronous every step k is:

output(k) = fn(…f3(f2(f1(input(k)))…)


output(k) = fn . . . . . f3 . f2 . f1 (input(k))

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sy::SYProcess

Required ports:

  • combFunctions: An outgoing port of multiple forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::FunctionLikeEntity vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::BehaviourCompositionEdge edges. No description exists.

Required properties:


An SY Delay is an SY process creates a signal with one discrete step phaing. Or better saying, for every discrete step, the created signal by SY Delay outputs the value of its inputs signal from the previous discrete step.

In equational form, consider that we have a SYDelay F connecting input to output. The output at synchronous every step k is:

output(k) = input(k-1)

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sy::SYProcess

Required ports:

  • input: An incoming port of forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sy::SYSignal vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sy::SYNetworkEdge edges. No description exists.
  • delayed: An outgoing port of forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sy::SYSignal vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sy::SYNetworkEdge edges. No description exists.

Required properties:


This trait captures a 32 bit IEEE 754 floating point number.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::data::RealLike

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • numberOfBits (Integer<32 bits, signed>): No description exists.


A GenericCommunicationModule represents any digital hardware module capable of doing “communication”. Typical real things fitting to this trait abstraction are buses, crossbar switches, routers. If the element can be abstracted into a black-box that “transmits data”, this trait captures it.

Currently, this trait does not tell anything about the arbitration that the communication element performs. If no information is avaiable to specialize the arbitration scheme used at a hardware level, any tool working with this trait can assume that a fair round-robin is used.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::hardware::DigitalModule

Required ports:

Required properties:


No description exists.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Stimulator, forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Stimulatable

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • repetitivePredecessorSkips (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.
  • initialPredecessorSkips (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.


This class adds instrumentation data to any behaviour-like vertex. This trait is made separate from other behaviour-like traits, e.g. synchronous processes, so that the instrumentation information can be used in a courser-grain fashion whenever necessary. Say, in academic studies or pre-design studies.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::BehaviourEntity

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • computationalRequirements (Map<String,Map<String,Integer<64 bits, signed>>>): <p> A map of computational requirements for different implementations of this instrumented behavior. These are performance requirements. When a number of a certain operation is “x” larger, it means semantically that a host processing element must give “x” more operations to this behaviour so that it completes.


For example, there could be a "ANSI-C" implementation, a "CUDA" implementation and a "FPGA logic area implementation" so that the requirements can be expressed as an associative array with these three possibilties as follow.

 computationalRequirements: {
     "ANSI-C": {
         "intadd": 4,
         "floatadd": 10,
         "branch": 200,
     "CUDA": {
         "kerneladd": 5,
     "FPGA logic area implementation": {
         "hwadd": 1,
  • maxSizeInBits (Map<String,Integer<64 bits, signed>>): <p> A map of memory requirements for different implementations of this instrumented behavior for different instruction categories. These are memory requirements. When a number of a certain operation is “x” larger, it means semantically that a host storage element must give “x” more space to this behaviour so that it can be stored. the memory of a behaviour semantically include both its “execution size” (instruction size in languages like C) and “internal state” (internal variables in languages like C).


For example, there could be a "RISCV" implementation, a "niosII" implementation and a "FPGA logic area implementation" so that the computational requirements can be expressed as an associative array with these three possibilities as follow.

 maxSizeInBits: {
     "RISCV": 1000L,
     "niosII": 500L,
     "FPGA logic area implementation": 200L

In this case, the FPGA implementation tries to capture the logic area consumed by the synthesized behaviour.


This simple refinement stores the amount of simply periodic subtasks that a task can generate given its incoming stimulators.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Task

Required ports:

  • incomingStimulators: An incoming port of multiple forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::PeriodicStimulator vertices. No description exists.

Required properties:

  • offsetNumerators (Array<Integer<64 bits, signed>>): No description exists.
  • offsetDenominators (Array<Integer<64 bits, signed>>): No description exists.
  • periodDenominators (Array<Integer<64 bits, signed>>): No description exists.
  • periodNumerators (Array<Integer<64 bits, signed>>): No description exists.


A super loop runtime captures the entry-point for programmable devices that have no runtime at all, i.e. almost or completely bare-metal. These runtimes will generally represent “superloop” approaches, where the processes being scheduled are inside a big while loop that runs forever, executing the processes unconditionally. This does not exclude the fact that a process might stall its processing element while waiting for data or any other activation condition.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::runtime::AbstractRuntime

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • superLoopEntries (Array<String>): No description exists.


No description exists.


Required ports:

  • activators: An incoming port of multiple forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Stimulator vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::EventEdge edges. No description exists.

Required properties:

  • hasORSemantics (Boolean): No description exists.


A structure is simply a collection of platform elements without any specific meaning. It is helpful to create hierarchies in the platform for “categorization” but it does not imply any semantic hierarchy by itself.

Structures have outgoing edges to its children, or contained, hardware modules.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::hardware::HardwareModule

Required ports:

  • containedModules: An outgoing port of multiple forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::hardware::HardwareModule vertices connected by forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::hardware::StructuralContainment edges. Returns the contained modules for this Structure vertex.

Required properties:


A InstrumentedGenericCOmmunicationModule enriches GenericCommunicationModule with provision numbers so that an analysis and synthesis tool is able to estimate the total amount of traversal time is required to transmit a bunch of data through this communication element.

You can assume that analysis and synthesis tools will compute the traversal time by:

traversalTime(dataSize) = initialLatency

  • ceil(dataSize / flitSizeInBits) * (maxCyclesPerFlit / maxConcurrentFlits) / elementFrequency

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::hardware::GenericCommunicationModule

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • maxCyclesPerFlit (Integer<32 bits, signed>): No description exists.
  • flitSizeInBits (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.
  • initialLatency (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.
  • maxConcurrentFlits (Integer<32 bits, signed>): No description exists.


A GenericMemoryModule represents any digital hardware module capable of “storing data”. Typical real things fitting to this trait abstraction are on-chip memories, DRAMs, SDRAMs etc. If the element can be abstracted into a black-box that “stores data”, this trait captures it.

This trait does not imply any arbitration scheme for parallel accesses to it. Therefore, if there are two elements connecting to this memory module, one should put the memory module behind a GenericCommunicationModule (or refined) module. For the sake of avoiding ambiguity, tools consuming this trait can raise an “illegal” status if there are multiple modules connecting to a memory module without going through a communication module first.

If a GenericMemoryModule is connected directly to a GenericProcessingModule (or refined), it is implied that this memory element is tightly-coupled to the processing element.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::hardware::DigitalModule

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • spaceInBits (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.


An AbstractRuntime element can be anything that is acting as a “middleware” for the platform and therefore should be refined to be better useful.

In any case, a runtime must have a “host” which executes its instructions and also processing elements which it manages, which means that they are part of the runtime’s controlled processing elements.


Required ports:

  • managed: An outgoing port of multiple forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::hardware::GenericProcessingModule vertices. No description exists.
  • host: An outgoing port of forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::hardware::GenericProcessingModule vertices. No description exists.

Required properties:


No description exists.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Task

Required ports:

  • loopSequence: An outgoing port of multiple forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::BehaviourEntity vertices. No description exists.
  • initSequence: An outgoing port of multiple forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::BehaviourEntity vertices. No description exists.

Required properties:


No description exists.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::BehaviourEntity

Required ports:

Required properties:


No description exists.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::visualization::Visualizable

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • visualizedPropertiesNames (Array<String>): No description exists.


A trait that captures boolean datums.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataTypeLike

Required ports:

Required properties:


This trait attaches analysis and optimisation data to a behavior entity. It contains information like the behaviour’s throughput.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::BehaviourEntity

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • setThroughputInSecsDenominator (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.
  • setThroughputInSecsNumerator (Integer<64 bits, signed>): No description exists.


This trait captures a real-like datum. By real-like, it means that it represents a real number, but the actual encoding is left open to be present in refinements of this trait. In other words, do not assume that this trait implies that the vertex being viewed is a IEEE 754 floating point. Rather, look what refinements exist for this trait or create another to properly capture the desired real number encoding.

The only property enforced in this trait is the total number of bits, which is universal across any real number encoding.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataTypeLike

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • numberOfBits (Integer<32 bits, signed>): The total number of bits encoded in this representation. If a particular encoding separates bits in different categories, include all the categories. Using 32-bit IEEE 754 as an example, this number is 32, despite the sign bit, the 8 exponent and 23 fraction bits.


The common parent of all MoC elements in a system graph.

A MoC in this hierarchy is understood as in the paper:

Lee, E.A., Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A., 1998. A framework for comparing models of computation. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 17, 1217–1229. DOI

This trait does not enforce anything on its own, but serves as a "categorical" trait which can be used to susbet any MoCs present in a system graph. To get more information on a vertex and its MoC-like behaviour, one should directly query for specific MoCs, e.g. SYProcess or SDFActor.


Required ports:

Required properties:


A boundary signal between a MoC process network and anything outside this network.

All MoCs can use this sink trait since all MoCs can be compared in the light of a discrete-event model, or, the tagged-signal model (see the reference of MoCEntity). The key element of this trait is the timing beahviour of the events it generates. That is, their periodicity or lack of any periodicity thereof. Note that a MoCSink is a data-type-like entity, as it is intended to capture MoC signals that get "consumed" due to their connection with the outside world.

Refines: forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataTypeLike, forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::MoCEntity

Required ports:

Required properties:

  • eventConsumptionRateNumerator (Integer<64 bits, signed>): The numerator part of the “eventConsumptionRate” property.

The event departure rate defines how fast this MoC source gets consumed in the light of tagged-signal model, or the discrete-event model, equivalently. The faster the rate, the faster the data present in this boundary signal is "gone". This notion can differ along different MoCs. For example, in the Synchronous MoC, this means that the data available in the signal (SYSignal) is consumed and should be replenished at all costs. In the SDF MoC, this means that a token is consumed in the signal and can be replenished anytime as long as the buffer implementing this boundary signal (SDFChannel) does not underflow.

  • eventConsumptionRateDenominator (Integer<64 bits, signed>): The denominator part of the “eventConsumptionRate” property. Defaults to 1.

see eventConsumptionRateNumerator for the full information on this property.


A InstrumentedProcessingModule enriches GenericProcessingModule with provision numbers so that an analysis and synthesis tool is able to estimate the total amount of execution time is required to execute a bunch of instructions in this processing element.

If this processing element exhibits higher level of parallelism (see `GenericProcessingModule`), then the provisions should always be provided _per parallel "thread"_. For example, if the processing element is a typical dual-core, the model instructions per cycle property should be as the intructions per cycle _per core_, not their summed total. Refines: `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::hardware::GenericProcessingModule` Required ports: Required properties: - **modalInstructionCategory** (`Array`):

A set of possible instructions categories, e.g. instruction set architectures, so that the memory requirements can be properly determined. These are memory requirements.

For example, there could be a "RISCV" instruction category and a "niosII" instruction category as a set as follows.

 modalInstructionCategory: [
In this case, the FPGA implementation tries to capture the logic area consumed by the synthesized behaviour. - **modalInstructionsPerCycle** (`Map<String,Map<String,Real<64 bits>>>`):

A map of computational provisions per cycle for different instantiations of this instrumented processing module. These are performance provision. When a number of a certain instruction is given "x" more, it means semantically that a hosted process element uses "x" operations in the same time period.

For example, there could be a "generic" instantiation, a "power" instantiation and a "slow" so that the provisions can be expressed as an associative array with these three possibilties as follow.

 computationalRequirements: {
     "generic": {
         "intadd": 0.5,
         "floatadd": 0.001,
         "branch": 1.0,
     "slow": {
          "intadd": 0.05,
          "floatadd": 0.00001,
          "branch": 0.2,
     "power": {
         "intadd": 1.0,

Where the real numbers describe the amount of the requirements (provisions) is provided per clock cycle. So, if you want the amount of requirements (provisions) this processing element is giving per second, you simply do:

   instructions per second = clock frequency * instructions per clock cycle
### forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::data::RecordLike This trait captures record datum. A record is an aggregate of data with labels where the data can be heterogeneous. An illustrative example of a record are structs in ANSI C. Refines: `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataTypeLike` Required ports: - **fields**: An outgoing port of multiple `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataTypeLike` vertices connected by `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataLikeCompositionEdge` edges. No description exists. Required properties: ### forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Stimulator No description exists. Refines: Required ports: - **activated**: An outgoing port of multiple `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Stimulatable` vertices connected by `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::EventEdge` edges. No description exists. Required properties: ### forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::visualization::GreyBox No description exists. Refines: `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::visualization::Visualizable` Required ports: - **contained**: An outgoing port of multiple `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::visualization::Visualizable` vertices connected by `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::visualization::VisualContainment` edges. No description exists. Required properties: ### forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::sy::SYProcess A SY process is either a SY combination or a SY delay. This is enough to build _any_ single-rate synchronous system, no matter how unwieldy. Refines: `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::moc::MoCEntity` Required ports: Required properties: - **outputPorts** (`Array`): No description exists. - **inputPorts** (`Array`): No description exists. ### forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::implementation::code::HasLLVMIRImplementations This trait enforces the vertex to have at least one inlined LLVM implementation. There can be more than one, discriminted by a label for each inlined source code. For example, a vertex can have a chunck of code with the label "riscv" for RISC-V based processors and one with label "cude" to be implemented directly in a CUDA based flow, whenever possible. Refines: Required ports: Required properties: - **outputArgumentPorts** (`Map<String,String>`): No description exists. - **returnPort** (`Map<String,String>`): No description exists. - **inlinedLLVMIR** (`Map<String,String>`): No description exists. - **inputArgumentPorts** (`Map<String,String>`): No description exists. ### forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::basic::Plus No description exists. Refines: `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::basic::BasicOperation` Required ports: - **outputs**: An outgoing port of multiple `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataTypeLike` vertices. No description exists. - **inputs**: An incoming port of multiple `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::DataTypeLike` vertices. No description exists. Required properties: ### forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Upsample No description exists. Refines: `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Stimulator`, `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::behavior::execution::Stimulatable` Required ports: Required properties: - **initialPredecessorHolds** (`Integer<64 bits, signed>`): No description exists. - **repetitivePredecessorHolds** (`Integer<64 bits, signed>`): No description exists. ### forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::runtime::FixedPriorityScheduledRuntime As the name implies, runtimes with the "FixedPriorityScheduledRuntime" trait can schedule its processes following a fixed priority policy. Whether the runtime allows for preemption or not, is a property of components satisfying this trait. If you want to represent the presence of overheads for runtimes satisfying this trait, you should add the "InstrumentedBehaviour" to a component that has "FixedPriorityScheduledRuntime". Refines: `forsyde::io::lib::hierarchy::platform::runtime::AbstractRuntime` Required ports: Required properties: - **minimumActivationInSecsNumerator** (`Integer<32 bits, signed>`): No description exists. - **minimumActivationInSecsDenominator** (`Integer<32 bits, signed>`): No description exists. - **allowsInterCoreMigration** (`Boolean`): No description exists. - **priorityAssignments** (`Map<String,Integer<32 bits, signed>>`): No description exists. - **supportsPreemption** (`Boolean`): No description exists.