-- |
-- Module      :  ForSyDe.Atom.Prob.Uniform
-- Copyright   :  (c) George Ungureanu, 2020
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  ugeorge@kth.se
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module defines recipes for normally distributed random variables,
-- i.e. Gaussian distribution. Wraps utilities imported from "Data.Random.Normal".
module ForSyDe.Atom.Prob.Normal (
  -- * Recipes
  normal, normal',
  -- * Layer

  -- | The "ForSyDe.Atom.Prob" module is re-exported for convenience, so it does not
  -- need to be imported explicitly.

  module ForSyDe.Atom.Prob
  ) where

import System.Random
import qualified Data.Random.Normal as N
import ForSyDe.Atom.Prob

-- $setup
-- >>> import qualified ForSyDe.Atom.Utility.Plot as Pl
-- >>> prepare = Pl.prepare
-- >>> prepareL = Pl.prepareL
-- >>> dumpDat = Pl.dumpDat
-- >>> defaultCfg = Pl.defaultCfg

-- | Recipe for normally distributed variables using the default parameters, i.e. mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1.
-- >>> gen <- getStdGen 
-- >>> let x = normal' :: Dist Float
-- >>> let hx = histogram (-1) 1 0.2 $ samplesn gen 10000 x
-- >>> dumpDat $ prepare defaultCfg hx
-- Dumped hist1 in ./fig
-- ["./fig/hist1.dat"]
-- <<fig/prob-gausp.png>>
normal' :: (Random a, Floating a) => Dist a
normal' :: Dist a
normal' = (StdGen -> [a]) -> Dist a
forall a. (StdGen -> [a]) -> Dist a
Dist StdGen -> [a]
forall g a. (RandomGen g, Random a, Floating a) => g -> [a]

-- | Recipe for normally distributed variables.
-- >>> gen <- getStdGen 
-- >>> let x1 = normal 2 (0.2) :: Dist Float
-- >>> let x2 = normal 1 (0.5) :: Dist Float
-- >>> let x3 = normal 2 (0.6) :: Dist Float
-- >>> let hx = map (histogram 0 3 0.2 . samplesn gen 10000) [x1,x2,x3]
-- >>> dumpDat $ prepareL defaultCfg hx
-- Dumped hist1, hist2, hist3 in ./fig
-- ["./fig/hist1.dat","./fig/hist2.dat","./fig/hist3.dat"]
-- <<fig/prob-gaus.png>>
normal :: (Random a, Floating a)
       => a      -- ^ standard deviation
       -> a      -- ^ mean
       -> Dist a
normal :: a -> a -> Dist a
normal dev :: a
dev m :: a
m = (StdGen -> [a]) -> Dist a
forall a. (StdGen -> [a]) -> Dist a
Dist ((StdGen -> [a]) -> Dist a) -> (StdGen -> [a]) -> Dist a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (a, a) -> StdGen -> [a]
forall g a.
(RandomGen g, Random a, Floating a) =>
(a, a) -> g -> [a]
N.normals' (a