Installing IDeSyDe

Currently the only supported “installation” method is to download and use the IDeSyDe jar directly. Which should be reasonably easy once you have a JVM distribution intalled in your machine. The jar can be downloaded from the IDeSyDe’s releases page. Note that the name might note be exactly idesyde.jar, but idesyde-x.x.x-cli.jar or IDeSyDe-x.x.x.jar.

Mandatory dependencies


IDeSyDe requires at least a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Java 11 installed in the machine to run. On Windows and linux, the oracle distribution, corretto and graalvm have been tested to work. fine. On linux, it is better to follow the java installation instructions for your specific distro.

Optional dependencies


IDeSyDe might use MiniZinc as the explorer for some of the design space exploration scenarios that can be identified. Make sure that minzinc is usable from your terminal so that IDeSyDe is also able to reach it. For UNIX like systems, this translate to having minizinc in your PATH so that, calling minizinc, yields:

> minizinc   
minizinc: MiniZinc driver.
Usage: minizinc  [<options>] [-I <include path>] <model>.mzn [<data>.dzn ...] or just <flat>.fzn
More info with "minizinc --help"