Decision models


Let’s start with how decision models are defined, taken from the design space identification proposal paper:

Design space exploration requires models into “solvable” representations; such as genome encoding for genetic algorithms (GAs), constraint programs for constraint programming (CP), or linear mathematical formulas for mixed integer linear programming (MILP). These models are called decision models.

This tells us that besides the actual problem-specific parameters and methods that we want to program, we need to add a handful “extras” for so that the identification procedure works properly. In essence, these extras are defining what is the type of the elements (coveredElements) and the type of the element relationships (coveredElements) that this new @scaladocDecisionModel is abstracting. Besides that, we need to provide how these custom types can be transformed to Strings, since that is the de-facto common ground for unique identifiers that are also minimally understandable. Finally and most importantly, we need to provide a set of coveredElements and a set of coveredElements. This is fundamental because the identification procedure depends on this in order to: 1) terminate and converge to a unique value, and 2) converge to the correct value. Therefore, these choices are not to be taken lightly as they can mean the difference between IDeSyDe working as expected and not.

However, this discussion also suggests a good starting point for an abstracted element: if they have to be stringifiable to an unique String identifier, why not make the elements of the @scaladocDecisionModel Strings themselves? That’s exactly the path taken with @scaladocStandardDecisionModel. We could still go on with a very custom element type (ElementT), but them we have to guarantee that every distinct element in the model will always generate a unique identifier.

The standard decision model

Building on top of @scaladocStandardDecisionModel adds a new dependency to our new extensions: the scala-common module. Some might think that adding dependencies is always risky, but this one particular dependency is highly recomended. The cde in this module can greatly simplify life with IDeSyDe, since most of the “vendor-agnostic” stuff is in this module, including the aforementioned @scaladocStandardDecisionModel, but also other children decision models encoding known design scenarios from the scientific and engineering literature.

Moving on, now the only required to implement the trait @scaladocStandardDecisionModel is to return a set of strings and set of pairs of strings.

For example, let’s take the decision model @scaladocSharedMemoryMultiCore from scala-common , which abstracts a shared-memory multi-core hardware architecture. Although there are a handful of parameters that describe many performance characteristics of the architecture, the covered elements are fewer; namely, they are the processing elements, the memory elements and the communication elements:

@@snip SharedMemoryMultiCore.scala { #covering_documentation_example }

where the elements being aggregated are simply lists of strings.

A step-by-step example

Now that we know to use @scaladocStandardDecisionModel, let’s do a step-by-step construction of a new decision model. In this tutorial, we shall create the parameters that abstract nicely Synchronous Dataflow (graphs) or SDF(Gs), for short.

Since SDFs are essentially labelled directed graphs, we can start with the graph part. Every directed graph must have a set of nodes and a set of arcs, which are called actors and channels in SDF terminology. Thus, we could start writing the decision model class like:

final case class SDFApplication(
    val actors: Vector[String],
    val channelsSrcs: Vector[String],
    val channelsDsts: Vector[String],
) extends StandardDecisionModel {

    val coveredElements = actors.toSet
    val coveredElementRelations =
    def uniqueIdentifier = "SDFApplication"


Although this captures the graph part, now we are missing the “labelled” part of it: the data rates. Since SDFs have fixed production and consumption rates, and they always exist for every channels, we could add to the decision simply via:

final case class SDFApplication(
    val actors: Vector[String],
    val channelsSrcs: Vector[String],
    val channelsDsts: Vector[String],
    val production: Vector[Int],
    val consumption: Vector[Int],
) extends StandardDecisionModel {

    val coveredElements = actors.toSet
    val coveredElementRelations =
    def uniqueIdentifier = "SDFApplication"


which would take care of it. Note that the covered elements have not changed! This does not mean that the decision model created is wrong, because we added information that is conceptually identified from the same elements and their relations. That is, we “know” from the model definition that the production and consumption rates are part of the channel definition, and therefore it is not a problem that new information was added to the decision model while the covered elements and relations remained the same. A final key elements we are missing is the initial tokens present in each channel. Once more, since we were supposed to start with this information, it makes sense that no new element is being covered by this decision model extension.

final case class SDFApplication(
    val actors: Vector[String],
    val channelsSrcs: Vector[String],
    val channelsDsts: Vector[String],
    val production: Vector[Int],
    val consumption: Vector[Int],
    val numInitialTokens: Vector[Int]
) extends StandardDecisionModel {

    val coveredElements = actors.toSet
    val coveredElementRelations =
    def uniqueIdentifier = "SDFApplication"


And there we have it! The most basic decision model representing SDFs, without taking into consideration execution times, actors sizes etc. One could checkout the actual decision model for SDFs in scala-model: @scaladocSDFApplication and see differences. This is because the SDF decision model in the common module also takes into consideration the practical factors briefly mentioned in order to later perform design space exploration on top of this decision model.

That’s it! This is how one would create a correcy decision model, @scaladocStandardDecisionModel specifically, so that it is a expected for the identification procedure. From here, it would now be necessary to define @refidentification rules to actually put this decision model to some use.