{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  ForSyDe.Atom.Skel.Vector
-- Copyright   :  (c) George Ungureanu, KTH/ICT/ESY 2016
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  ugeorge@kth.se
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module defines the data type 'Vector' as a categorical type, and implements
-- the atoms for the @Skeleton@ class. Algorithmic skeletons for 'Vector' are mostly
-- described in their factorized form (see the
-- <ForSyDe-Atom-Skeleton.html#factorization factorization> theorem). For practical
-- reasons some skeletons are implemented as recurrences , but their factorized form
-- is still documented.
-- Useful links:
-- * "ForSyDe.Atom" contains general guidelines for using the API
-- * "ForSyDe.Atom.Skel" documents details about the internals of the Skeleton
--   layer, the atoms and some basic generic patterns.
-- * "ForSyDe.Atom.Skel.Vector.Matrix" contains a collection of patterns for
--   working with 2-dimensional 'Vector's.
-- * "ForSyDe.Atom.Skel.Vector.Cube" contains a collection of patterns for working
--   with 3-dimensional 'Vector's.
-- * "ForSyDe.Atom.Skel.Vector.DSP" contains a collection of patterns commonly
--   used in signal processing designs.
-- * the <ForSyDe-Atom.html#naming_conv naming convention> rules on how to interpret
--   the function names based on their number of inputs and outputs.
module ForSyDe.Atom.Skel.Vector (

  -- * Vector data type


  -- * \"Constructors\"

  -- | Theoretical constructors for the 'Vector' type, used in the definition of
  -- skeletons as catamorphisms.
  null, unit, (<++>),

  -- * Utilities

  vector, fromVector, indexes, isNull, (<:),

  -- * Skeletons

  -- | Algorithmic skeletons on vectors are mainly presented in terms of compositions
  -- of the atoms associated with the 'Skeleton' Layer. When defining them, we use the
  -- following operators:
  -- <<fig/eqs-skel-vector-operators.png>>
  -- where:
  -- * (1) is the 'unit' constructor, constructing a singleton vector.
  -- * (2) is the '<++>' constructor, concatenating two vectors.
  -- * (3) is the '<@!' selector. The subscript notation is used to denote element at
  -- position /n/ in a vector.
  -- * (4) suggests an arbitrary selector which returns a vector with another one's
  -- elements, based on some indices. The shown example is an alternative notation for
  -- the 'tail' skeleton.
  -- ** Functional networks

  -- | This sub-category denotes skeletons (patterns) which are take functions as
  -- arguments. If the functions are 'ForSyDe.Atom.MoC.MoC' layer entities,
  -- i.e. processes, then these patterns are capable of constructing parallel process
  -- networks. Using the applicative mechanism, the designer has a high degree of
  -- freedom when customizing process networks through systematic partial application,
  -- rendering numerous possible usages for the same pattern. To avoid
  -- over-encumbering the figures, they depict small test cases, which might not
  -- expose the full potential of the constructors.
  -- see the <ForSyDe-Atom.html#naming_conv naming convention> rules on how to
  -- interpret, use and develop your own constructors.
  farm11, farm12, farm13, farm14,
  farm21, farm22, farm23, farm24,
  farm31, farm32, farm33, farm34,
  farm41, farm42, farm43, farm44,
  reduce, reducei,
  prefix, prefixi,
  suffix, suffixi,

  pipe, pipe1, pipe2, pipe3, pipe4,
  (=/=), recur, recur1, recur2, recur3, recur4,
  recuri, recuri1, recuri2, recuri3, recuri4,
  cascade, cascade1, cascade2, cascade3, cascade4, 
  mesh, mesh1, mesh2, mesh3, mesh4, 

  -- ** Queries

  -- | Queries return various information about a vector. They are also built as
  -- skeletons.

  length, index,
  -- ** Generators

  -- | Generators are specific applications of the @prefix@ or @suffix@ skeletons.

  fanout, fanoutn, generate, iterate, 
  -- ** Permutators

  -- | Permutators perform operations on the very structure of vectors, and make heavy
  -- use of the vector constructors.

  first, last, inits, tails, init, tail,
  concat, reverse, group, shiftr, shiftl, rotr, rotl, rotate, 
  take, drop, takeWhile, filterIdx, odds, evens, stride,
  get, (<@), (<@!), gather1, gather2, gather3, gather4, gather5,
  (<@>), (<<@>>), (<<<@>>>), (<<<<@>>>>), (<<<<<@>>>>>),
  replace, scatter,
  -- takeWhile, filter
  -- bitrev, duals, unduals,

  -- ** Interfaces

  zipx, unzipx
  ) where

import ForSyDe.Atom.Skel.Vector.Core
import ForSyDe.Atom.Skel.Vector.Lib
import ForSyDe.Atom.Skel.Vector.Interface

import Prelude hiding (null, last, init, tail, map, reverse, length, concat, take, drop, filter, takeWhile, iterate)