forsyde-atom- Shallow-embedded DSL for modeling cyber-physical systems
This package is a spin-off from the ForSyDe-Shallow project, aiming to incorporate a set of novel modeling concepts useful in the design of cyber-physical systems (CPS). Among others, ForSyde-Atom introduces the concept of layer as a disciplined means to seamlessly combine multiple DSLs capturing various behavioral aspects of a CPS, such as timing, distribution, probability, etc. into one unified modeling framework. Currently only four layers are provided, but new layers can be formulated and added following the examples of the existing ones.
As of today ForSyDe-Atom is only implemented as a (set of) shallow-embedded DSL(s), meaning that it can only be used for the purpose of simulation, behavior tracing and validation. Its associated formalism however, in theory, could be used a starting point for a formal or rigorous system design methodology, showing potential for other design activities, such as refinement or synthesis. For an overview presentation of the main concepts behind this framework, see [1]
. For more resources, such as tutorials, user manual or publicatons, visit
Ungureanu, G., et. al. , ForSyDe-Atom: Taming complexity in cyber-physical system design with layers, under review.